неделя, 28 февруари 2016 г.

Using a statistical analysis method

In many cases statistical ratios are used to group data by the preliminary sorting by groups and pro quantification their importance. When the data to be examined are located along the interval scale, they form the basis of variable data normally screened by their frequency distribution. By definition, the frequency distribution is a statistical tool to help the maximum amount of information is presented with minimal details. Variable data can be presented as a whole and with fractions. For ease of analysis is often applied rounding of fractions to whole.

A basic requirement for the application of frequency distribution as a statistical method for financial analysis, analyzed data to be of homogeneous type. That is, the data must be comparable and compatible with each other. In this respect, the analysis of the frequency distribution of group shares on the stock exchange requires to choose stocks from a sector rather than several sectors. Typically in this case is to be noted that:
The Statistical analysis method
Statistical analysis method

First. The grouping of data into classes is the first phase of implementation of the frequency distribution as a statistical method forfinancial analysis. The main idea of ​​the frequency distribution is to organize a large database by presenting it in an understandable and accessible form. So if you develop example published daily stock quotes to a group of selected stocks can trace the logic of the application of the method of frequency distribution. In this respect (Video 1) represents the pooled data for quotations of the shares of 170 companies at the close of the stock exchange in New York. Graphical data are expressed using a histogram by (Video2).

Presented by (Video 1) frequency distribution shows how the initial data for quotations of 170 selected stocks closing of the exchange are grouped into classes. Each class has the same range (in this case the scope equals $ 10). There is a correlation between the number of selected classes and robustness of the analysis. The fewer classes are formed, the possibility of leakage of the important features of the test set increases and vice versa. The introduction of a plurality of classes, of course, also should be moderate. In other words, it is advisable classes frequency distribution to be tailored to the specifics of the population surveyed by financial data. In view of these considerations database Stocks of selected stocks form 10 class data with an interval of $ 10. Classes must be defined precisely in order to avoid double counting. This means that for example the second class is defined by $ 10 and under $ 20 instead of $ 10 respectively to $ 20. The second case would allow, exchange quotation of $ 20 to be included in two classes, which is methodologically inadmissible.
The Statistical analysis method
Statistical analysis method

Second. Frequency distribution can be represented in relative expression. This is because the share of each class within the population presents additional information about its structuring. The last column (Video 1) demonstrates the kind of relatively similar frequency distribution. The result can easily compare the distribution of individual classes within the overall 100%.

Third. The cumulative frequency distribution is an alternative way to implement this modification of the statistical method of financial analysis. An example of a cumulative frequency distribution is presented in (Video 2). The main advantage of the cumulative frequency distribution is that it provides information on the distribution of the meanings of the population surveyed to and above a certain value.

Fourth. The profile of the frequency distribution allows to display graphically depending affecting the population surveyed by financial data. For example histogram of (Video 3) to support a finding that the profile of the frequency distribution of stock quotes of the 170 studied shares is distorted.

Statistical analysis method
Statistical analysis method

This is due to the fact that in the second grade groups formed the largest number of researched stocks, and therefore the profile of the frequency distribution layer reaches maximum.

(Video 3)

Normal profile is when both sides are symmetrical. Symmetry may be concentrated in a small space (strongly convex profile) or be located within all derived classes (slightly convex profile of the frequency distribution).

събота, 27 февруари 2016 г.

Analyzed by statistical methods of analysis

Statistical methods of analysis

Statistical methods for financial analysis are broad tools to help financial manager can inspect bases with financial data and make rational decisions manager. The first step in the application of statistical methods is the recruitment and organization of the database with financial data. It has a base of financial data, the financial analyst may initially develop two introductory statistical methods for financial analysis:

- Analysis by financial ratios.
- Analysis by frequency allocations.

Can then proceed to the calculation of averages, variance and probability distributions, which identify opportunities and scope of statistical methods for financial analysis acquire a finished look.

Statistical method for financial analysis by financial ratios.

Methods of analysis
Statistical methods of analysis

The definition of the value of a financial variable is a good basis for its importance by comparing it with a similar amount, resulting in an attitude. For example, information that three clients are "bad" debtors is unimportant for the financial analyst compared the information that 5% of our customers default on their obligations. A similar proportion is even greater utility if it is supplemented with information that those 5% of our customers accumulate 10% of its total sales. Hence, determining the ratios required to analyze two dimensions. One of them falls reader ratio and the other in the denominator. Specifically, there are no strictly defined rules that ratio can be improved, in terms of technical significance for the analysis. (Video 1) presents the application of the statistical method of analysis using financial ratios

Paradoxically in the example considered is that depending on the purpose of analysis drawn conclusions can be highly contradictory. In comparison with data 200X+1year. It can be seen that the increase in customers with 1% led to an increase in receivables in arrears by 20% (based sales company). If comparing the absolute amounts of the changes in receivables in arrears will be that change is 260% (1800/500 = 2.6 times). Other things being equal, this means that the new 1% customers in arrears hold 20% of the company's sales, resulting in substantial adverse effects.

Putting the statistical ratios allows to ascertain not only the current meanings, but a series of values ​​of the observed magnitude.

вторник, 23 февруари 2016 г.

Analysis through graphical method

Graphical method
Graphical method
The graphical analysis method is the main method by which the identified changes in the object of the analysis may take a graphic illustration. For this purpose they use data in absolute or relative size, whose dynamics are normally present in the sphere of influence of the time factor. Modern tools provide significant opportunities to develop the scope of the graphical method for analysis. The analysis may be subject to data from both the profit and loss account and balance sheet of the company. Account can be taken and data on various indicators characterizing the company and its activities. As a result of the application of the method to add picture of the formation of the trend under the influence of certain factors.
Analysis through graphical method
Graphical method

(№1 video) demonstrates the application of the graphic method of analysis, as in the case of study are carrying residues in feather "Receivables from clients" company National Electric Company PLC -. Sofia.

Such relationships can be built using several digital lines - for example proceeds from sales, cost of operations and gross profit.

(See Video 2). As a way of illustrating the relationship of a similar nature can be used bar chart.

By graphicalanalysis method can illustrate dependencies affecting the share of individual elements within a general set - for example, the share of individual types of expenses within total costs of the company (see Video 3)
Graphical method
Graphical method

In the Appendix using a pie chart can be presented dependencies regarding certain financial parameters for comparing two or more years - for example, the share of the balance sheet item "Securities" in the total assets of the company (see Video 4).

Commenting on the use of diagrams as a tool of graphical method for analyzing diagrams illustrate common changes and values. Through them also presented changes in the composition and structure of the object of analysis
Therefore graphical method is widely used in the analysis, because with its help as quickly as possible financial management as a subject of analysis collects information and makes rational management decisions. The graphical method is also used in preparing the final conclusion and findings from the analysis because with its help identified by the analyst conclusions are visual representation.

неделя, 21 февруари 2016 г.

Technology structural analysis

Structural analysis
Structural Аnalysis

The method of structural analysis is used in the analysis of the internal structure of the financial statements. For purposes of analysis the focus of the study can be profound, considering and internal structure of individual cumulative balance sheet items. For example, the balance sheet item "Receivables from clients" can be analyzed structure of individual customers within the total corporate receivables. In addition, if you evaluate the liquidity of the company, the analysis may occur by determining the proportion of current assets in the total assets of the company and determining the ratio of total liabilities invested in individual elements of current assets. 

Method of structural analysis
Structural Analysis

The main advantage in applying this method to balance the company is manifested in the ability to accommodate the changing proportions of the components within the groups of assets and liabilities. At this could very easily be stated how the relative permanence in the balance residue on a feather demonstrated impressive dynamics.
Video №1 (Views through the method of structuralanalysis).

From (Video 1) shows that at constant absolute size of the balance in pen "Securities" in the three-year study period its share within total assets suffered serious dynamics such as climate cases in 2016, compared 2015 is fourfold.

Applying the method of structural analysis or statement of income and expenditure show the utmost advantage of this analytical tool. This is because in the statement of income and expenditure every item of expenditure is linked to a global resultant amount - namely the amount of sales. In such a situation can easily establish what portion of the proceeds accumulate the various costs incurred by the company. It can also be established dynamics in different values ​​which measure the result. (Video 2)

Structural analysis
Structural Analysis

Powered application of the method of structural analysis to the income and expenditure of the company "National Electric Company" EAD - town. Sofia possible to establish that the increase in the profit before distribution in 2015 is associated with increase the share of profit in the total amount of the sales proceeds at the expense of reduction of the share of costs (excluding activities).
 Methods of structural analysis is extremely friendly between corporate research and comparisons.

Method of structural analysis
Structural Analysis

This is because the financial statements have legally defined form. Therefore, regardless of the size of firms, respectively, of the aggregate income and balance sheet can easily reveal the specific and excellent structural differences between comparable companies. At the same time the results are comparable and compatible, as in all comparable companies compliance with the balance sheet and profit and loss change in the price level is the same. Such structural analysis can be applied for comparison between the studied company and a moderate, representative for the industry and the economy as a whole company.

събота, 20 февруари 2016 г.

Technique index analysis

Index Analysis
Method of Index Analysis
In financial analysis, in covering a period of four or five or more years, comparative analysis can create some inconvenience due to the increase in the calculations. To avoid such inconveniences development index is a method of analysis that the long-term trend is expressed by index numbers.
To calculate a series of index numbers should be chosen base year. This base year will have 100 index amount for all reporting feathers. It is customary for the base year to accept the year is average and typical conditions for the existence and development of the company's business. If the earliest year for which data exist, does not meet such a condition, choose another year. All index numbers are calculated by reference to the base year. In practice this analytical method is known as an index of variable composition.
Index Analysis
Method Index Analysis
Method of Index Analysis
Method of Index Analysis

 Example 1: So, if at the end of basic 2014 year, the company "National Electric Company" EAD - town. Sofia has booked on balance sheet item "Pick clients" in the amount of $40 000 and at the end of   2015 year respectively $50 000, the index number will be equal to 125.

Example 2: In the event that in 2016 year, the balance sheet item has a value $24 000, the index will be 60.
Index Analysis
Method Index Analysis

It should be noted that when using the method and index arecalculated index numbers, percentage changes cannot be legible directly, but only after treatment compared to the base year. The refore, the change in balance sheet item "Receivables from clients" between 2014 and 2015 year is 25% (Index 125 - 100 index = 25%). On the other hand, the change between 2016 and 2015 is -65%, and can assume a direct comparison (index 60-125) and was -52%, suggesting calculating the change of 2016 relative to 2015 by reference to the amount of 2015. The percentage change can be calculated through the use of index numbers due consideration to the amount of climate 2016 to 2015.
Index Analysis
Method Index Analysis

Summarizing the opportunities offered by the index method for performing financial analysis, it can be noted that:
  • Determining the percentage change and the formation of a series of index numbers are based on the use of absolute values of respective items. It is the analyst to adapt the results to changes in the price level. Otherwise index analysis will form some twisted nerve and results.
  • The index analysis can generate additional benefits in case the results obtained are consistent with changes in the environment within which the company has functioned. In fact, the more diverse economic conditions are covered by the compared periods, the better the analyst can assess ways in which the company has withstood the adverse and benefited from favorable conditions respectively.
  •  Analyzing formed a series of index numbers must be taken into account all the strengths and weaknesses of the method and thus to determine and its field of application. At the level of overall financialstatements is appropriate, changes in the current financial situation to be harmed by using comparative reports stating the change of each balance sheet item of the current compared to the previous year. On the other hand, comparing the series of index numbers do not encounter very serious methodological difficulties in analyzing the dynamics of the feathers of working capital (current assets and current liabilities) over the years.

Mode of action of Comparative analysis

Comparative Analysis
Comparative analysis
The method of comparative analysis, examines operations and indicators by comparing them with other operations and indicators adopted for base or benchmarking. In his classic forms comparative analysis method is subject to the balance sheet of the company. This is because the balance sheet has its legal conditionality. The refore, in itself, the balance of the company is a document that meets the requirements for comparability analysis. Meanwhile, the comparative method can be extended to as statements of profit and loss and cash flow statement. The most important result of using the comparative method is the detection of a trend. In parallel, comparative method applied for several years, allows to reveal the direction, strength and intensity of the established trend.

Comparative analysis
Comparative analysis

Indeed, using the comparative method within the financial analysis can be expressed by calculating one year to the next in absolute and relative terms (Video. 1). The calculation of changes within short periods easy. However, there are some methodological problems posed by the emergence of a significant amount of deviation from the current reporting feathers from the previous year. When in the previous year have a negative deviation and the current positive (or vice versa) percentage change can hardly be calculated.

A similar picture and when an item has a value in the previous year, and no one in the current and the reduction is equal to 100%. Conversely, when there is no value for the current, but only for the base year can not be calculated the percentage change. In order to improve comparative analysis method can be applied such presentation of financial statements in which to reflect the cumulative total for the period for each item studied and average amount for that period. The introduction of average amounts for the period allows to reveal factors and unusual character dynamics.
Comparative analysis
Comparative Analysis

(Video. 1)

четвъртък, 18 февруари 2016 г.

Introductory part in Financial Analysis

The Financial Analysis
Financial Analysis

Even in ancient Greece the word "analysis" is used verbatim. Then it was used and meant decomposition of all or dismemberment of its constituent elements and study and study of each of them as an integral part of the whole. As thus allowed to penetrate the essence of the research object and examine its structure.

It is known that the financial analysis ensures media management business unit by presenting alternatives for the realization of its objectives.
The economic analysis the most used and having the sense is the financial analysis, which is an accompanying effect on the financial management of the company. In defining the main objective of financial management is given importance to maximize the benefits of the owners and the market price of the company amid the resurgence of corporate control.

The financial analysis is a systematic set of techniques and tools to help financial management examine, evaluate, determine and optimize their decisions. Linking financial analysis to the process of decision-making by corporate financial management develop and defend the perspective of the management function of financial management. In certain respects tools of financial analysis is widely used in the work of additional entities such as (lenders, portfolio investors in securities statistical offices, trade unions, our customers and all other stakeholders. In particular, depending on the perspective here we distinguish between: internal financial analysis and external financial analysis; Depending on the subject, structure and content of financial statements, working capital of the company (current assets and liabilities), equity of the company (financial structure) capital structure of the company; financing company, restructuring the capital of the company, the results of operations of the company balance sheet profit of the company cash flows of the company; depending on the tools and techniques: a comparative financial analysis, financial analysis structural, dynamic financial analysis; A key for the systematization of species is the financial analysis is the distinction depending on the nature of the analysis. So we distinguish:
  •   Diagnostic financial analysis that answers the question "What is the financial position of the company?";
  • Factor analysis that answers the question "Why the financial situation is appropriate species?";
  • Ascertained by analyzing diagnostic and prognostic financial analysis that answers the question "What would be the financial position of the company?"

The main stages in the operation of financial analyst are:
  • Stage of preparation for conducting financial analysis;
  • Stage of gathering the necessary information;
  • Stage processing of the collected financial information;
  • Stage of summarizing the results of the analysis.

Each stage is logically linked to the previous and provides the necessary foundation for the next.
Requirements of financial analysis are:
  • Reliability and comparability of the data used;
  • Comprehensiveness and thoroughness of analysis;
  • Methodological endurance.

In his work financial analyst follows a particular technology:
To carry out the work of the accountant, but in the opposite direction - from aggregated data on the state of the company to booking individual articles.
Finance Analysis